First, to be completely upfront, there is no legal framework for a social enterprise in Cambodia. So this is a status we choose.
We have thought long and hard about using it because it can be widely misunderstood. We chose to be a business and not an NGO (non-government organisation) for multiple reasons.
In recent years government regulations have changed and it is no longer possible for NGOs to run money-making initiatives.
We have plans for money-earning projects we want to involve young people in.
Cambodia has one of the highest numbers of NGOs in the world. We want to move away from a model that makes us 100% reliant on the generosity of donors and the expectation that others will keep giving. We encourage young people to think about economic sustainability.
That said, in most countries, the services Spean Chivit provides would be set up by charity organisations, local governments, churches and other such establishments.
Our programs are largely a community service. To maximise impact we still require donations, particularly in this start-up phase.